
    库里总得分是多少2024(Steph Curry's Total Points in 2024 – How High Will He Score)

    2024.02.21 | admin | 48次围观


    Steph Curry's career has been nothing short of amazing, and he has been able to consistently perform at a high level for years. Fans and analysts alike speculate on how many more years he has left in the NBA and how high his total points will be once he retires. In this article, we will take a look at how many points we can expect Steph Curry to have by 2024.

    Current Stats

    As of the end of the 2020-2021 NBA season, Curry has scored a total of 17,818 points in his career. In the past season alone, he scored 2,015 points, making him the leading scorer in the league.

    The Future

    It's impossible to predict the future with certainty, but we can make an informed guess about how many points Curry will have in 2024. If we assume he continues to play at a high level and stays free from major injuries, we can expect him to score around 2,500 points per season. This estimate is based on the fact that he has averaged around 2,000 points per season in the past five seasons.

    2024 Projection

    Assuming that Curry continues to play at a high level and avoids any serious injuries, we can estimate that he will score around 10,500 points in the next four seasons. This would put his total career points at around 28,318 by the end of the 2023-2024 season.

    库里总得分是多少2024(Steph Curry's Total Points in 2024 – How High Will He Score)

    Breaking Records

    If Curry reaches this total, he will undoubtedly break several records. He currently sits at 26th on the all-time scoring list, but he could move up to around 15th all-time by the end of the projected timeline. He would also likely break several Warriors team records, including the most points in franchise history.


    In conclusion, we can expect Steph Curry to have around 28,318 total points by the end of the 2023-2024 NBA season. While this is just an estimate, it's clear that Curry will continue to be a dominant force in the league for years to come. If he stays healthy and continues to perform at a high level, he will likely break several records and secure his place as one of the greatest players of all time.


